Monday, June 8, 2009

International Blog Superstardom

I was recently asked If I wanted to contribute some posts to the Mountainbiking New Zealand blog. If some of my stuff starts sounding a little poncy and formal (like the last review) It's because I'm thinking more than six people might end up reading it! 

I was very flattered of course, but as I alluded to in an earlier ramble I then realized I didn't actually get around to mountainbiking much anymore, despite it being one of my passions. 

Still if "real" mountainbikers are interested in the rantings of a forty-something-kid hauling-grocery shopping-singlespeeding-commuting-snowbiker than so be it. I'll soon take the hint if no-one reads it ;^)

1 comment:

Paul Petch said...

:D I pick up the Fargo today so a new category will be born....we should both fit in that one nicely!

p.s. you have a question/ comment here ;)

Thanks again for your ramblings....